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Nitin's meaning
I too had been searching for its name for long. herez what I found on net:--------------------------------------------------------------------
NITINNitin comes from the Sanskrit Root called as
Nitya. Nitya means the
"order". Or "regulated ness". In the Vishnu
Sahasranaama (1000 devine
names of Lord Vishnu Nitya is the name of the
Vishnu. Nityaaya Namaha
Anityaaya namaha. Meaning Order and dis order is
nothing but Vishnu. The
darshanaas the Laws of Vedas speak about the
Cosmos as Nitya as it follows a
regulated mode of expression and evolution.Nitin means that exists in the regulated Order.
The energy aspect of the
which is called his maya or sakthi is the one
that exists in the Lord and
his creation. So Nitin is the Energy aspect of
the Lord and is popular
among the Vaishnavites to keep this name.
Vaishnavism is not a trait that
belongs to the Caste but to the mode of worship
relating to Vishnu.
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Nitin's meaning  ·  Nitin Chandra  ·  9/11/2002, 3:42 AM
Re: Nitin's meaning  ·  Nitin Khurana  ·  9/16/2002, 1:35 AM