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just wondering what u think...
I was just wondering what you think about my name: Peter Pan. Yes it IS my name. Pan is not pronounced like Peter Pan in Neverland. It's pronounced like fun, except it's a "p" in the beginning. like this: PA-n. It's a Chinese surname (yes I'm chinese, half). not very very common. lotsa people in the US (that's where I stay right now) don't pronounce my surname the right way. but I don't expect them to anyway. I just let the kids call me Peter Pan from Neverland. heehee.
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just wondering what u think...  ·  pete  ·  9/10/2002, 7:23 AM
Re: just wondering what u think...  ·  Daividh  ·  9/10/2002, 7:18 PM