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The meaning of my name
What is the meaning of the name and what does it mean in different languages including english can you please help me I need to know before friday february 9,2000 thank you
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Although I'm not familiar with the name "Shatara", a quick 'net search yielded the following:1. A site which claims the name means "good": Information stating that "Shatara" was the name of a Chickasaw Indian Village at one time.3. Information stating that "Shatara" is a word used in the Koran, meaning "to divide into halves".That's all I had time to search for this morning. Perhaps a few other people here can have a go at it, or you could simply go and type in the key words: Shatara Name Meaning-- Nanaea
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" could simply go to: and type in the key words: Shatara Name Meaning"Oh no! You have just divulged the ultimate secret tool of our "Etymological Guild" :P
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Ah, Google! The official Breakfast Search Engine of Los Tres Caballeros! We doan wan' no steenking Yahoos!
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WHAT HAVE I DONE???? I must be severely smacked upside the head with an unabridged lexicon!Ah, but NO ONE can torture me to the extent that I shall ever reveal the arcane secrets of our Mysterious Anagramming Powers! :)-- Nanaea
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Mysterious Anagramming Powers:Genius rampages warty moronism
Satan's grumpy worrisome enigma
Pours warm imaginary gemstones
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Funny you should come up with "Pours warm imaginary gemstones" as an anagram, as I've lately been playing around with anagram aliases for possible imaginary, comic-book gemstone super-heroines. Here's what I've come up with so far:Lady Garnet="Gala Trendy"
Lady Amber="Mary Blade"
Lady Topaz="Zayda Plot"
Lady Peridot="Petria Oddly"
Lady Emerald="Della Dreamy"
Lady Aquamarine="Amelia Quandary"
Lady Sapphire="Sylphia" (with a possible twin "Phylisa") Padre
Lady Amethyst="Matylde Hasty"Got any ideas of your own for my League of Superhero Gemstones? "Lords" are acceptable, too. :)-- Nanaea
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Mine aren't as good as your's and they're real stupid but,Lord Ruby= Rudy Brol
Lady Opal= Dolly Apa
Lady Alexandrite= Xena Da'Trelliad'y (French maybe?)
Lady Peridot(i know you already have this)= Daryl DiPote
this one's kinda cute: Lady Diamond= I'm an odd ladyyou probably won't use these but remember, I'm not a pro at this (like you are) so don't laugh at them.=)Liberty
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Welcome Welcome Welcome to the club :))))
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is there one ........ help ..... i just want to know. thank you.
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Priapos, look! We've got another anagrammist!These were great, Liberty! Here's one especially for you:Lady Berylite=Liberty Daley-- Nanaea
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and here's one just for you:To an ace personality= Nanaea's pretty coolLiberty =)
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Thanks, Liberty! I'm not only flattered that you came up with such an angram for me, but also that you went to the trouble of finding one.You're cool, too. :)-- Nanaea
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