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Looking through the phone book today (Central Kentucky) and came across the first name "Vabbit". Is this the result of someone's daddy having too much moonshine or does the name have a legitimate origin and meaning? And please, no Swedish Looney Tunes jokes... :)
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Gwatuitous spam : check out
Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! You wiw be abwle, intew awia, to twanswitewate any web page in Ewmew Fudd's diawect.
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Esperanto, move over... Here comes REDNECK!Ran this old posting of Daividh's through the "Redneck" version of that dialect site:
Message: "A Gatherin' of Nobel Laureates, Wal-Mart Style"
Posted by: Daividh (
Date an' time: January 15, 2001 at 4:00:58 PM
Most of th' time I'd rather haf a root kinal than hoof it into Wal-Mart. But today Wal-Mart corntained th' only branch of our bank thet was open in th' county, on account o' of th' MLK holiday.While thar ah picked up some items an' got into line behind two of th' local intellyjuntsia (redneck style). This hyar is th' gist of th' convahsashun ah ovahheard, cuss it all t' tarnation. Th' names used is accurate eff'n th' dialogue is only approximate:"Ah tried t'go th' post office today an' it was closed fo' thet Mo'ton Luther holiday.""Yeah man, pain in th' booty when ya need stamps. But thet guy warn't so bad, cuss it all t' tarnation. At least he was fer peace an' stuff.""Ya know, it'd've been diffrunt eff'n thet James Earl Jones guy had shot Revahend Jesse James instead, cuss it all t' tarnation. He was wif Mo'ton Luther thet day. Thet Jesse James guy kin't keep his nose outta other varmints's bidness."Convinced I'd incountered mah intelleckual betters an' silently laughin' mah booty off, ah quickly sought t'other line.Welcome t'Kintuckie...********************************************I'm laffin' mah booty off, too! P.L.'s found us a new toy! Wheeeeeee! :D-- Nanaea
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If Jed Clampet, Granny, Jethro 'n' Elly Mae had been SatanistsThere is much they might have taught Mr. Drysdale and Miss Hathaway...
Th' Eleven Satanic Rules of th' EarthI Do not give opinions o' advice unless yer axed, cuss it all t' tarnation.II Do not tell yer troubles t'others unless yer sho'nuff thet they want to hear them, dawgone it.III When in t'other's lair, show him respeck o' else does not hoof it thar.IV Eff'n a guess in yer lair annoys yo', treat him cruelly an' wifout mercy.V Do not make sexual advances unless yer given th' matin' signal, ah reckon.VI Do not take thet which does not belong t'yo' unless it is a burden to th' varmint an' he cries out t'be relieved, cuss it all t' tarnation.VII Acsmarts th' power of magic eff'n yo' haf used it successfully t'obtain yer desuhes. Eff'n yo' deny th' power of magic af'er havin' called upon it wif success, yo' will lose all yo' haf obtained, cuss it all t' tarnation.VIII Do not complain about ennythin' t'which yo' need not subjeck yo'seff.IX Do not harm li'l chillun.X Do not kill non-hoomin animals unless attacked o' fo' yer grub.XI When walkin' in open territo'y, bother no one. Eff'n someone bothers yo', ax him t'stop. Eff'n he does not stop, destroy him, dawgone it.******************************************You know... I think the Clampets WERE Satanists!-- Nanaea
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I LOVE IT! Gotta play, gotta play...
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Wow!Type in any URL and...IT TRANSLATES THE WHOLE SITE! (even Ichabod Campbell's) Phat!So P.L., now that we know how to do this -- is there a hacker function that let's us replace the *original* site with Redneck? :)))
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need redneck nick name help with atittude.
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'fraid Im just a struggling eekonomist, not much of a hacker !
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You need a new phone vook..."Looking through the phone book today (Central Kentucky)..."@@@@ Man, I've heard of obsessive stalkers, but you sure take the Danish, Daividh. :)"...and came across the first name "Vabbit". Is this the result of someone's daddy having too much moonshine or does the name have a legitimate origin and meaning?"@@@@ You know, if it was me, I would've just rung up Mr. Vabbit on the phone and asked him: "What's up, Doc? With your name, I mean." But then, I like to play on the telephone. Heheh.So, not having my own personal copy of the Central Kentucky telephone directory, I did the next best thing and checked out the white pages at both and No Vabbits listed anywhere in the country. I also checked the Social Security Death Benefits Index to see if there had *ever* been any Vabbits who might've died in the past several decades leaving a small pile of cash to any surviving litter of little Vabbits. No luck there, either.A likely conclusion, therefore, must be that there's a typo in that there Kintuckie phone book of yours.Of course, yoooooo have Mr. Vabbit's (or possibly "Babbit's") phone number. If you're too chicken (n'yah n'yah!) to ring him up, e-mail me his phone number and *I'll* do it.Ya don't even have to double-dare me to do it, either. :)"And please, no Swedish Looney Tunes jokes... :)"@@@@ I vouldn't dream ov it, Doc."-- Nanaea
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Oh, that was a *first* name...Re-reading your posting just now, I see now that was a *first* name you'd found. See, I've only had one cup of coffee so far this morning, so it LOOKED to me like you were asking about a surname.Eh, I'll still ring the guy up on the phone, anyway. :)-- Nanaea
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Ah, misdirected grief from an insufficiently-caffeined Lawn Guylander! C'mon Nan, I can get THAT from my sister-in-law in Setauket without even investing keystrokes. :)I was "looking through the phone book" for a legit listing and just saw this guy's name. Sure, calling him and asking would be the easy way, but if it were any fun, why don't 95% of the people posting on this site just call their parents about THEIR names? Besides, here a lot of people have short fuses, shotguns, and caller ID.Hell, I'd settle for an ANAGRAM of Vabbit... (Gawd, what am I saying?!)
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"...why don't 95% of the people posting on this site just call their parents about THEIR names?"@@@@ I meant to address that yesterday, but I was having too much fun. :) Yes, why DON'T they simply ask their parents, grandparents, sibling-spawn, whatever? Are they afraid to ask their parents? Is there no communication between the generations? Did the parents die, never leaving a clue as to why they named their child what they did? And the child, having shown absolutely NO interest in his/her heritage before, suddenly realizes that his/her only recourse now to finding out about his/her name is message board on the 'net?Even more perplexing, are the mommies who post here saying: "I just named my baby Spinky-loo! Will somebody here please tell me what it means?" Why the heck didn't they make an effort to find out what it meant *before* naming the baby that? I mean, isn't their child's name important enough to know where it comes from and what it means *before* they pin it on the kid? Unless, of course, they dreamed the name up themselves. In which case they may as well be asking us: "I don't know WHAT the heck was going on in my head at the time -- will somebody here please tell me what I was thinking?"Oh well. That was my rant for the day. :)-- Nanaea
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"Hell, I'd settle for an ANAGRAM of Vabbit... (Gawd, what am I saying?!)"Hahahaha! Maybe Priapos will oblige you on this one. :)I'm serious. E-mail me the phone number and I'll ring the guy up this afternoon. I ain't scairt! He may have a shotgun, but I've got Satan on my side! :) You've got me intrigued now with this whole Vabbit thang. Enquiring minds NEED to know!-- Nanaea
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The brain death here is spreading. I had your e-mail address on a pad that's still packed. I remember the user ID part, but not the @ISP and .extensionCan you post these for me? Nobody's gonna figure out the ID who doesn't know it already.
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Run Nan's name on *$&%@ Google, for cryin' out loud, or send me the info to and I'll forward it to Nan!
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Ooh, testy. But that backhair stubble IS itchy the first few days...I got Nan's e-mail initially off a careless posting I can't find again without wading thru profiles of lotsa ladies apparently married to cats. Easier to figure out the anagram (which I did, thank youse).Besides stomach flu, we amused ourselves at our house this weekend with Fun site, altho the pulchritude ratings are often totally bogus. The sobering thing I found is that my beautiful daughter, out of pity or whatever, rates even scrofulous winos' pictures no worse than a 6.
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"Ooh, testy. But that backhair stubble IS itchy the first few days..."@@@@ Alpha males are naturally testy, with or without post-backwaxing pain. :)"I got Nan's e-mail initially off a careless posting I can't find again without wading thru profiles of lotsa ladies apparently married to cats. Easier to figure out the anagram (which I did, thank youse)."@@@@ And here I was thinking you'd initially gotten my addy off the minpin rescue site, with is a way cooler site than Curse of the Cat People/Fangirl World. :)"Besides stomach flu, we amused ourselves at our house this weekend with Fun site, altho the pulchritude ratings are often totally bogus. The sobering thing I found is that my beautiful daughter, out of pity or whatever, rates even scrofulous winos' pictures no worse than a 6."@@@@ Oooo, it's almost like playing Mystery Date! But I seriously doubt than any of those guys would pass the "Are You the Alpha Male?" test on the site that P.L. found. In fact, quite a few of them looked like they'd need a pointy stick to get any respect, so I must say I wasn't overly impressed with 'em. :)-- Nanaea
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Monkey Hot or NotYou have no idea how waxing your back can be taxing on your nerves.
But since you apparently are a fan of the hairy look, please check out and have Rural Utah to rate me :)
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Nice parody site! And it's cool how you can specify categories of pictures, like "Monkeys and apes", "Monkeys only", and "Guys named Gus".Are you really an eekonomist? My undergrad degree's in the same discipline, but there weren't many jobs for economists in Aquarian America and none of us sure as hell wanted to be bankers. Grad school and more years of play seemed like the only palatable alternative.
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Etymology of Gus?Any ideas of who the awkward name Gus was coined? As far as I know, several ill-advised Greek immigrants in the USA have changed their wonderful name Constantine to the more suitable-to-the-American-palate Gus.Yep, I really am an eekonomist. Did my graduate studies in the US of A back in the 80s. Unable to find a bonafide job as an eekonomist back home, I too had to sell out.
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I suppose I could just simply send you an e-mail, seeing as how I've already got *your* addy, and then you'd have my addy in return.But that's too easy, and I'm too contrary.You'll have to figure out the @ISP part of my addy from the following ANAGRAM:"Pliocene Imp"Hee-heee-heeeeeeeee! <==== uncontrolled hilarity.-- Nanaea
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Where's Prepubertos Lobos this weekend? Indulging in a popular Greek recreational activity on Mt. Pelion, like snowboarding or having his back shaved? ;}
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P.L. was off to the mountains again this past weekend. I think he's building his Super-Anagram-Man Fortress of Solitude there, or something.Still haven't deciphered my addy yet? Okay, try pulling out the ".com" part from the general mix, and working with the letters that remain. C'mon, Daividh! You've seen it once before, the time you were stalking me. :) You should be able to recognize it when you see it again.You've got to work for it. :)-- Nanaea
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Incidentally, the e-mail address I sorta gave you isn't working yet for some reason. It's a secondary for our account, and they expect me to call Tech Support to figure out how to activate it.With the waiting times I've run into, Charlie Manson was likely to get a Bill Clinton pardon quicker than I'm likely to get my personal e-mail account up...oh, he DID? Well, just proves my point! Was Squeaky a big contributor?
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(Picking himself up off floor, after joining in the communal glee): Grrr...okay, I'm down to three letters for the @ISP, and they yield no logical answer. Eine Hinte, bitte: which are the same letter -- the 1st and 2nd positions, the 2nd and 3rd, or the 1st and 3rd?Or should I just use AuthorBoy's e-mail address (which is posted elsewhere on the Net) and hope he does the gallant Brit thing and passes it on to you?- Davos
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1st and 3rd. :)-- Nanaea
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I cleverly noted the first name but forgot the last name. A quick dash through the phone book didn't turn it up, but it's there.Incidentally, I found that "Vabbit" is the Manx spelling of "Babbitt", as in the metal used in sleeve bearings. Whether this is where Bro. Vabbit's name arises, I don't know (not many obvious Manxmen around here). I'll keep looking.
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