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Re: What does my name mean??
in reply to a message by Norah
I was waiting for either you or Daividh to take this one. I'm still enjoying your description of some of those baby name book editors as being "crack heads". :)Hey, I just recently discovered the name quiz on your website. I took it, choosing only those names out of the 20 choices that fit "Satanic" by my 6-letter description -- and I scored as "Modern Eccentric"!Hope you don't mind, but I'm going to lift your lists of "Modern Eccentric", "Modern Unusual", "Classic Eccentric" and "Classic Unusual" names for P.L. to anagram next. :)-- Nanaea
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If I hadn't been in bed all day with stomach flu (effectively cutting out Day 5 of The Great Cheese Danish Ingestion) I might have gotten to this one before Norah. My answer to the three possibilities proposed would've been simply "Yes".Norah's quite right here, and graciously provided details. I wasn't aware of the "Thorn Birds" connection. When I inform my niece Meghan, she'll probably change her name in sheer horror. (Hehehe)
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Pestering Daividh s'more..."When I inform my niece Meghan, she'll probably change her name in sheer horror. (Hehehe)"@@@@ Tell her to change it to "Gemnah". Heeee-hee! :)-- Nanaea
(Sending positive energy your way to fight that nasty stomach flu.)
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