Re: The meaning of Harris
Actually, my parents transferred from the Midwest to NJ when I was already in college, and subsequently went their own ways.My mother, however, later became NY-NJ big time, marrying an Italian-American mayor of a NJ town who was not only the son of a NJ mayor ('nother small town), but has splendid Noo Yawk connections as well: my stepdad is a first cousin of Sebastian Leone, former Borough President of the Bronx and now one of your Supreme Court justices. I've never met the cugino, which is a pity, since it'd be handy if I got pulled over on LI while stalking you... :)Don't know about the political connection. I abstained from voting in the last Pres election, as both candidates pissed me off. Have voted both sides of the fence over the years, even for Clinton (first time) and McGovern at times.Guess I'm just one of those independents; belong to Handgun Control and the Sierra Club but pro-life and wipe my cat's butt with ACLU mail. So much for labels.
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The meaning of Harris  ·  Gabby  ·  1/19/2001, 2:12 PM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/20/2001, 4:26 AM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/20/2001, 5:00 AM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/20/2001, 5:06 AM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  Daividh  ·  1/24/2001, 7:00 PM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/25/2001, 4:54 AM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  Daividh  ·  1/25/2001, 7:21 PM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/26/2001, 3:25 AM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  Daividh  ·  1/30/2001, 5:13 PM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  Daniel  ·  5/1/2001, 11:46 AM
US party anagrams  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/26/2001, 4:43 AM
Re: US party anagrams  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/26/2001, 5:04 AM
Re: US party anagrams  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/26/2001, 5:18 AM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/20/2001, 6:18 AM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/20/2001, 6:52 AM
Re: The meaning of Harris  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/20/2001, 5:51 AM
Rover????  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/20/2001, 12:24 AM
Re: Rover????  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/21/2001, 5:47 AM
Re: Rover????  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/21/2001, 7:06 AM