Re: Russian form of Andrea
by Daividh (guest)
1/29/2001, 7:16 PM
Thanks. I like it too (Andreiana, not Irish Spring).
"Andrea" could very well be a valid long-standing Russian name; just because Paul doesn't show it as a female name among his 25,000 entries doesn't mean it's synthetic or new.
But if we define "Russian" ethnically and throw out "Soviet" or post-Soviet names, which could be any of many nationalities, "Andreiana" has legs. It can be traced back to the early 1600's, before Peter the Great lowered the Russian common denominator with Western influences.
The "real" everyday Russians are an admirable people, gutsy and down-to-earth. It's a damn shame they're driven to kill themselves with cigarettes, vodka, poor nutrition, and horrible medical care. Do you know the male life expectancy in Russia is down to 59 years? That's REALLY grim!