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Looking for an Arbic!
I am looking for an Arabic name for my sister. (She is not satisfied with her name) She is very picky, that's why I am here looking for help. She wants something like "Mahwish", she Loves this name very much but someone she knows has it already. Maheed? Mahlah? Any ideas?
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Hi, Selimah. I'm sure there are a few people here who can probably find you a pretty, feminine Arabic name for your sister.But if you want to tell me what your sister's astrological sign is, I can check for the Arabic names of the stars in her sign and see if there's a name among those which she particularly likes. I did that already for a visitor here named Muyi who posted about a week ago. Her sign was Capricorn, and the prettiest star-name from that sign was "Nashira".An Arabic star-name from your sister's own astrological sign may have special significance for her. I can't guarantee that there'll be a whole lot of "M" names in her sign, though, but I can have a look for you, if you like. :)-- Nanaea
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Hi Nanaea! Actually it was Muyi who told me about this website and about the name "Nashira" you found her! It's really a beautiful name~Muyi is my good friend and also my sister's idol. (Especially since they both were born on the same day, amazing right?) So when Muyi told me and my sister about "Nashira", my sister started to complain about her name, Sarah, saying her name is way too common. It's really a pain sometimes since you cannot not help her! :)So Muyi suggested that we come here and see if people can help come up with some ideas. The more the better. We are exhausted!Of course, if you'd like to! (my sister's sign is Capricorn also) I Truly appreciate that!Selimah
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I figured you must know each other, seeing as how we got two visitors from Taiwan just within a few days of each other. :)Muyi and Sarah were born on the same day? And they're very close friends, as well? That practically makes them twins! Astral twins!There weren't really any other star-names from Capricorn as pretty as Nashira, but now that you've told me this other information about your sister, it's obvious what name she should choose for herself:"Shirana"Which is a *very* pretty name, and here are some good reasons for Sarah taking this name:1. "Shirana" is an anagram of "Nashira", and anagrammed names create a special, extremely powerful psychic bond between natural twins and astral twins (such as Muyi and Sarah).2. Both "Sarah" and "Shirana" both share the same initial "S".3. "Shirana" may not be Arabic (I'm not certain) but it *is* Semitic -- a Hebrew name, to be precise. Both Hebrew and Arabic are Semitic languages. "Shirana" means: "joyful song".-- Nanaea
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WOW!Wow! How come we didn't think about that?That's Great! "Shirana", it's pretty!! Oh thank you so much Nanaea! I told Sarah about this and she is all excited now! (she is also happy to know that they are Astral Twins :)Thank you again, Nanaea!!Selimah, Muyi & Sarah
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By the way...Hi Nanaea. :)Do you know the meaning of Muyi? (Mu-Yi) And Selimah?
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I'm so glad you're happy with your names! An interesting name is a more precious and beautiful thing to wear than jewels. Your name *is* your finest ornament. Both Nashira and Shirana will shine in their new names. I can feel the positive energy coming from those names already. :)"Selimah" means "Peace".As for "Mu-Yi"... If this is a Chinese name, then it really depends on how the Chinese characters are written in order to interpret the meaning of the name, as the transliterated words can mean several different things.I'm going to say that "Mu" stands for "Blossom", and "Yi" stands for "Charming and Gentle".-- Nanaea
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