Re: why is satanism always coming up on this board?
We have regulars on this board belonging to most religions, including Christians of all stripes, Jews of all shapes ans sizes, Moslems, Atheists, Marxists, at least 57 varieties of Pagans, and a bona fide Satanist (boo!) who is currently on sabbatical. I'm nor so sure about Buddhists, but I suspect that Daividh may have indulged during his hippie experimentalist years many decades ago. It is great that we all enjoy this forum, and never allow our personal beliefs to get in the way. I am in a way greatful to intolerant and bigoted zealots, for they give as a chance to poke sume fun, cheap laughs albeit.
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why is satanism always coming up on this board?  ·  Heather  ·  5/12/2002, 10:28 PM
Re: why is satanism always coming up on this board?  ·  Anneza  ·  5/13/2002, 3:59 AM
Re: why is satanism always coming up on this board?  ·  Pavlos  ·  5/13/2002, 2:00 AM
-cries- Mike you forgot me!!! I'm Draconian! n/t  ·  Silver  ·  5/14/2002, 10:32 PM
Re: why is satanism always coming up on this board?  ·  Daividh  ·  5/13/2002, 7:18 PM