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Goulden - Irish origins
As far back as my family can trace it, the Goulden name seems to come from Ireland. This information was courtesy of a biography of the suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst (born Emmeline Goulden), who was my great grandfather's sister. I think it was their grandfather or possibly great-granfather (my great great great great grandfather!) who came over from Irealand and worked in the textile industry in Manchester.
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Goulding and Golden are both English names of separate origins. But if the Irish origin is certain, Goulding and Golden are synonymous and most frequently "Ó Góillín" or "Ó Goilín" of Cork.Much more rare is the origin "Ó Gabhláin" of Galway-Mayo or "Mag Ualghairg" of Fermanagh-Leitrim.Since most Irish emigrated from the major cities, you may need to investigate parish records which may detail a person leaving or entering an area.
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