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My meaning
Hello, I was just wondering that if it is possible if you knew what my name means. My name Is Saneara. Also I was also wondering if you could please tell me where the origin of this name was from? People say my name means Gold Is that True.
Also if it is possible to tell me what the name Farhan means? people say it means happy. I was just also wondering where the origin of this name was from. These names are asian names because I am asian. Thanks From Saneara
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hiya i hope you'r fine?! i just emailed you, to ask you 'do you know what my name means?'its normally spelt Noshin but is prnounced nosheen! thank you, will be watin for your email. bye thanx once again!
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Saneara appears to be a past imperfect conjugation of the Spanish verb sanear ("to reorganize"). But this bit of information is completely uselessm as I was unable to find a proper meaning in Urdu or Hindi.However, Farhan does mean "glad, joyful, happy" in your neck of the woods -- which I'm sure he was, when you dedicated the Mohabbatein song to him:)
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