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What is the origin of the (f)name: Zada
I went to a family reunion and met my great aunt from Missouri. Her name is Zada. I really like the name and would appreciate any info available. The only thing she was able to tell me was she thought it was Jewish for grandfather.(?)
Thank you, Erin
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My first name is Zada and it means "The Lucky One" in Arabic. My mother read it in a novel and when I was born, I was given that name. Ive met a couple of Zada's.....usually older women. Im 46, and just recently someone sent me an email asking me how to pronounce Zada, as they were going to name their coming daughter Zada. Kinda neat to see the name around once in a while.
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Yep, "Zaydeh" is Yiddish for "grandfather" -- but I can't imagine anyone naming a girl-child that. Go with PriaposLovs' interpretation. :)-- Nanaea
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Zada means luck in Arabic. Related names include Zayda and Zaida.
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