It wasn't a rhetorical question - I wanted you to answer it!
Thanks for the info - I don't know as much as I would like about eastern European names.May 1 celebrated with Dionysian ways in Greece? hmmmm.... must contrive to be there for my birthday some year (makes note in long-term to do list).>P.S. At what RPMs does a Celt Revolutionaries like yerself revolve?Well, that's the good thing about being a Celtic Revolutionary Communist, you see; first of all you prove that you are a sun-god from first druidic principals, then you let everything else revolve around you. It's a sort of zen revolution...
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Lenin  ·  Lenin Oaiya  ·  3/22/2002, 1:15 AM
Groucho and other Marxist names  ·  Pavlos  ·  3/22/2002, 7:30 AM
Chico...ry  ·  Merriment McDemonheart  ·  3/22/2002, 5:12 PM
Hail Freedonia!  ·  Pavlos a.k.a. Vladlen the impaler  ·  3/23/2002, 1:19 AM
They may have won all the battles ... but we had all the good names (apologies to T. Lehrer)  ·  Mayis Beltane Mc Demonheart  ·  3/23/2002, 6:47 AM
Communist anagrams of "Mayis Beltane Mc Demonheart "  ·  Pavlos  ·  3/23/2002, 5:35 PM
My given name...  ·  Demonhearted Maybaby MacBealtaine  ·  3/23/2002, 7:04 PM
It wasn't a rhetorical question - I wanted you to answer it!  ·  Merriment MacCridedeamhain  ·  3/23/2002, 7:16 PM
Re: It wasn't a rhetorical question - I wanted you to answer it!  ·  Pavlos  ·  3/25/2002, 3:29 AM