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Does anyone know what the meaning of Salem is? Thanks :)
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Salem is a place name. There is a famous one in the US, but the name originally comes from Salem, India. had this to say about Salem:Salem, city (1991 pop. 578,291), Tamil Nadu state, SE India. There are manufactures in chemicals, electrical products, tools, and brass goods; handloom weaving remains a significant industry. Iron and manganese mining are important in the surrounding region, as is agriculture. Salem has several colleges affiliated with Madras Univ.:-)
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Thanks, but Salem must mean something?
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YesI've heard it Salem was a short form of Jerusalem, and that the city was named after the Biblical Jerusalem. I don't know what Jerusalem means though.Miranda
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Aha, in that case . . .. . . Salem means "peace".Jerusalem holy city in Palestine, from Gk. Hierousalem, from Heb. Yerushalayim, lit. "foundation of peace," from base of yarah "he threw, cast" + shalom "peace."From here:
edit - removed some irrelevant extra info from the definition.

This message was edited 1/28/2005, 7:01 PM

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Jerusalem comes from the Hebrew Yerushalayim. The Salem / Shalayim part has the sense "complete, whole, perfect, in peace".Claire
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Slightly ironic, considering what happened in the Salem witch trials!
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