It is a nn
Chichi is a very common nn in Latin American countries. Some countries prn. it chee-CHEE (Central American countries, mostly) and other prn it with the distress on the first syllable: CHEE-chee. Chichi is a Spanish expression that means "baby", "small". It comes from baby-talking the word "Chiqui" (CHEE-key) which is an abbreviation of Chiquito/a which is Spanish for "small", "baby"In Costa Rica, a girlfriend is called a "Chichí" (chee-CHEE). "La Chichí de Rodrigo" would translate into "Rodrigo's girlfriend". In other countries, Chichi is a nn for either boy or girls. I personally know a guy and a girl (not related to each other) that were called "chichi" when they were young. This is a nn that people get for being the baby in the family.Hope this helps,
Magia Chichí

This message was edited 1/23/2005, 7:30 PM

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Chichi  ·  Miss Claire  ·  1/23/2005, 4:25 PM
It is a nn  ·  Magia  ·  1/23/2005, 7:26 PM
Re: It is a nn  ·  Miss Claire  ·  1/24/2005, 10:33 AM