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where does it originate
i want to find out what is the meaning of this name for a boy?
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Possibly from Tarquin?-Seda*
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A quick google search found Australian AFL player with the name Tarkyn - plays for Collingwood - ugh. And then a few mum's have named their boys Tarkyn on a few Australian baby name websites. Seda is right with it may be a form of Tarquin.
A near-homophone of "Tarquin," the name of several Etruscan
kings of Rome. The last of these, Tarquin the Proud, committed
such outrages that the Romans overthrew the monarchy and
established the republic. The outrage most commonly commemorated
in art is his rape of the Roman noblewoman Lucretia.
says from a book that Tarkin was created from Tarik (warrior) and said TAR-ken. But then he says he used Bryn - getting it from Brynja - which means armour and he says it means dark... I wouldn't believe this one.Naomi
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Hi Nai,Off-topic, but are you Australian? Your "ugh" at Collingwood seems to indicate a familiarity with the game! :-) Anyways, if you *are* Australian I just wanted to welcome another Australian to the boards! There's a few of us here.:-)
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