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I believe Aloysha is a Russian nickname of male name Alexei. Has anybody heard of it and if they have, how is it pronounced?
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christopher Pike??In Christopher Pike's novel 'The Starlight Crystal' there is a being called the creation that contacts the remenants on the human race to help guide them to become part of the creation.
Since humans have a need to name and categorize everything, the creation names itself Alosha.
Just incase you think that Alosha might having reference to 'creation' be a beautiful name... I suggest you read the book.
its quiet disturbing :)~Silver
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I actually bought that book awhile back. I just never got around to really reading it. I planned to and then put it off until latter. Then latter became never. Maybe I should give it a try.....I've read one other book by the author, The Cold One, and I just loved it.Anyway, thanks for the name and book sugestion. I'm trying to come up with character names, which is always quite an undertaking when it comes to me. I have trouble deciding definitively.
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Do you mean Alyosha?Which is definitely a Russian short form for Aleksandr/Alexei. It's pronounced al-ee-osh-uh (osh not owe-sh; as in posh, not kosher).
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That's exactly what I mean. I appologize for the spelling mistake. Thanks for the information!
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