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Oh Nanaea...
*goes on knees and begs*
Please please please please please...
Can I have one more small anagram? For my housemate's niece... Jennifer (Elizabeth) Fox Darling (yeah, it's a good surname).She's travelled all the way from Galway (Ireland) to Borth (Wales) today in the horrible weather and she's only visiting from the States (New Mexico)...
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Oh Nanaea...  ·  Merriment  ·  2/24/2002, 4:51 PM
Well it's late and I can't sleep anyway...  ·  Nanaea  ·  2/25/2002, 1:09 AM
Re: Well it's late and I can't sleep anyway...  ·  Merriment  ·  2/25/2002, 12:33 AM