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How do you pronounce this name?
Hello, everyone. I know that this isn't exactly an earth-shaking question, but I was wondering if someone could help me out. David Duchovny and Tea Leoni's daughter is named Madelaine West; my question is, how would one prounonce Madelaine? Is it just a fancy spelling of Madeline, or is it pronounced Mad-elaine? I think it's a beautiful name, but I wonder if people would pronounce it as Ma-delynn? Does anyone know how the Duchovny's pronounce it? Again, this isn't a big deal, but I was just curious. Thanks for any info!
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I wouldn't attempt to guess at how anyone in Hollywood chooses to pronounce their child's name, although I do know that DD and TL refer to the baby as "West" (she's supposed to be named after Mae West).Tracy, try posing your question on one of the Duchovny fan message boards, like this one: on one of those boards must have heard DD speak the baby's name in a live interview at some time. Then come back here and let us know.-- Nanaea
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My son and his wife want to name their daughter-to-be, Madeline, (pronounced like Madelyn. Is Madeline an acceptable way to spell Mad e lin?????
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