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What does the name Cambria mean/come from
Okay; I have a friend named Cambria, and, I have been wondering where her name came from, but, it isn't here! I have no idea where it could have come from, or her ethnic background, but I really want to know what her name means!Anything on this name will do...From, HIROSHI Zanretsu
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I know that Cambria is a kind of white wine, but I can't remember where it comes from. I can get the information this weekend, if you stick around, but I'm sure that someone else on here will have fgured it out by then. :)Sarahjeanne
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I was waiting for Merriment......coz "Cambria" is the Latin name for the country of Wales.Mmmm, Sarahjeanne, I want a glass of that wine, too. :)-- Nanaea
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Merriment was sleeping...It's to do with time differences :)I'd love to think that people were naming their children after Wales, but I think it's more likely that the modern US Cambria < Cambrie < CAMilla/CAMeron + BREE/Brie etc (Aubrey an influence also). Isn't there a car with a similar name?By the way, re: Heraldic Visitations, publisher is Publications of the Harleian Society (the ms are the Harleian ms), and they have been reprinted fairly recently (1996) - hth
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Well this got alot of attention pretty quickly.I'm gonna go see what CAMILLA and CAMERON means, and see if BREE and BRIE, if they're there.Isn't Brie a a kind of cheese?
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Brie..."Isn't Brie a a kind of cheese?"It's also the name of a region in northern France, from which the cheese takes its name.The breed of dog called the "briard" also takes its name from this region.-- Nanaea
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