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fay as a guys name
fay also means 'raven' as a masculine name. i think its... irish gaelic or something ^^"
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Yes, but usually you don't tell the meaning of your name. So teasing could be very usual as the meaning for a girls name is "fairy" it rymes with gay and means fairy, so don't considerate as a name for your little boy if you don't want him to get a laugh everytime or have to explain it.
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im not gonna name my kid fay!!!but it means raven for guys and its a good name. oO' NOT FOR HUMANS! dur. geez. i dun even HAVE a kid! im only 14 good grief!
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Just imagine the butt kickin's he is gonna get in scholl. Poor guy. Why would any person do that to a child?
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Fay as a guys name? Why don't you just kick him instead and get it over with?Yuck!
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I don't much care for it as a girls' name, either. :p
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Rhyming with "Gay" is bad enough,'d be hard to splain, "Hey guys - my name means Raven - it's really pretty macho", when you're lying in a bloody beat-up heap in the corner of the playground. EVERY day at recess... : (- Da.
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reply to alli think fay is a wonderful male name! oO' not for humans of course... but it has that... elvish tinge to it. or medievil or something. =P good grief.
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