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Does ANYONE know the meaning/origin/nationality of this name: Woby? I do not believe it is short for anything, that this is a full name. ANY kind of information on this would be so much help to me!!
Thank you and if you do have an answer, please email me or post a reply ASAP!
From M.
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Excuse me, M, but...What gender is the name? I mean, um, RTFM. It would help us quite a bit, you know.Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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The name is of male gender. I know not much else on it :( sorry
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That's okay. It's just that the more info we have, the easier it is to locate the info you want/need. :)Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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latin, i believe, is the nationality
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That's okay. It's just that the more info we have, the easier it is to locate the info you want/need. :)Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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