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Know any Ninny's???
I am researching my family tree and I have found a Great Aunt who was known as 'Ninny'. Obviously a shortened something - any ideas??? I thought it could be Willamina, is this right (her father was William!)???
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In French, Nini (nee-nee) is a common nickname for Nicole. Can't say I've ever heard it as a name or nickname in English, tho.- Da.
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....more than I would care for!According to the Oxford English Dictionary a ninny could be either:1) A simpleton, a fool (possibly an abbreviation of "innocent"),or,
2) A child (from the Spanish nino/nina)
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Sounds plausable to me. Maybe it was just a made up name as well. Did she have any children or grandchildren? I have known grandmothers to be called stranger things. :)Sarahjeanne
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