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More on the origin of Nanaia/Nanaea
Skimming through the Old Testament I noted that the Greek spelling of Nanaea is Nanaia.
Running “Nanaia” though provided numismatic evidence supporting my suspicion for a Greek connection. In addition to the coin mentioned in my previous posting, there is reference to a silver medallion minted during the Parthian wars displaying Nanaia. One source ( ) equates the Nanaia portrayed in this medallion to Artemis.
It appears beyong doubt that Nanaea/Nanaia was, inter alia, a Hellenistic Deity worshipped in the East stretching all the way to India.
But the plot thickens: Nanaia recurs also in Polynesia. In a particular Rongorongo (Easter Island) chant, Nanaia is mentioned in reference to a solar eclipse ( This ties in with recent research documenting profounf similarities between Hellenic and Polynesian dialects.
Nanaia is an excellent PhD dissertation waiting to happen!
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If Nanaea could stretch all the way from Greece to India, I'm not surprised she could also block out the sun.
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ANAHITA...Persian goddess of heavenly waters..."Aphrodite-Astarte was the goddess of the Aqua-Vitae. Both a divinity of the sky and the earth waters. (Campbell: 332)......"Most beautiful woman in the Avesta. Anahita: Undefiled, immaculate. The river goddess. Of noble lineage and well formed." (Acta: 665)...Iranian version of Astarte (June Campbell: pg 38)..."non-Iranian Anahita" (Dhalla 1963 pg 125)..."undefiled, is the name of a mythical river as well as that of a female divinity of the waters. She resides in the starry regions. Classical writers speak of her sanctuaries founded aat Pasargadae, Ecbatana, Kangavar and other places. She is assimilated into Artemis, Aphrodite, Athene-Minerva, Hera, Magna Mater, Ishtar, and Nanaia. She overleaps barriers of Mt Alburz where her cult becomes obscene rites. She is celebrated in some of the longest Yashts and in the 65th chapter of the Yasna...Eighth month of the year and tenth day of the month are named after the waters of the Ardvi Sura...Pliny says that a temple of solid gold was set up in the temple of Anaitis"=." ( 226)..."non-Iranian Anahita" (Dhalla: 125)...
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Hey, it looks like I've got all the best goddesses associated with my name! Cool! Thanks for all the info, P.L.! I'm printing it up and keeping it! :)-- Nanaea
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I'm honored that you did all this research on my name! Oh, that website where I could order the Nanaia coin didn't work. :( But I got in touch with the dealer anyway!I still can't believe you found an actual, ancient Nanaia coin that I can buy and take to a jeweler to turn into a necklace to wear as an amulet. Too cool! :)-- Nanaea
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I am thrilled that after so many centuries the Nanaia coin will meet its rightful incarnation :)
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