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Belated Valentine's Day wishes...
Hope everyone had a LOVEly Valentine's Day be it alone with a box of chocolates you bought yourself or with a significant other. I had to work-still am, the girls I nanny for are watching Britney Spears Live and More on DVD. I just had to escape. They both have strep throat and stayed home today. Their parents are in Salt Lake City, Utah for the Olympics. So I'll be their substitute mommy until Monday night. I get a couple hours off, though Sat. so I'm spending it with my boyfriend for our Valentine's Day. We're going to the beach for a picnic and to watch the sun set. If it doesn't rain!!
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Belated Valentine's Day wishes...  ·  'Cole  ·  2/15/2002, 11:08 AM
Re: Belated Valentine's Day wishes...  ·  Sarahjeanne  ·  2/15/2002, 11:23 AM
I hope I don't get sick either!! Thanks SJ :)  ·  'Cole  ·  2/15/2002, 9:32 PM