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Hey everyone.....
No baby yet, just so you guys dont get to excited!
I am 39 weeks today though!!!! I have had some ups and downs.... I got fired from my job on the 29th of Jan. Yeah long story but I am going to file unlawful terminaton on them!
I am 2 1/2 cms dialted and 80-90% effaced.... so hopefully very soon! Still so unsure of name! Ryan suggested Winter..... What do you all think? I have totally decided against Rianna... sounds to much like my name! And decided against trying to name her after Ryan and I, I just didnt like anything!
Other names I like are Kaylee or Kylie! I like Amber but Ryan thinks it is overplayed soo.....
No Ryan and I are not back together.... but he is in bad shape mentally! He is being forced to move out of his rents(another long story) so he is freaking out about having no place to bring the kids! He came over for support I guess the other night! But anyways that is a short update... I may be around more if I dont have the baby! Though doc thinks within the nest week! CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!!!!!!
I miss you all!!!!Love- Gia
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Hey everyone.....  ·  Gia Nadine  ·  2/14/2002, 1:20 PM
Re: Hey everyone.....  ·  'Cole  ·  2/15/2002, 11:00 AM
Re: Hey everyone.....  ·  Pavlos  ·  2/15/2002, 10:27 AM
Re: Hey everyone.....  ·  Gia Nadine  ·  2/15/2002, 1:17 PM
Re: Hey everyone.....  ·  Phyllis  ·  2/15/2002, 11:09 PM
Family and Medical Leave Act  ·  Nanaea  ·  2/16/2002, 5:36 AM
Re: Family and Medical Leave Act  ·  Gia Nadine  ·  2/17/2002, 8:03 PM
typo: #5 should be #4. n/t  ·  Nanaea  ·  2/16/2002, 5:38 AM
Re: Hey everyone.....  ·  Nanaea  ·  2/15/2002, 5:39 AM
Re: Hey everyone.....  ·  Tracie  ·  2/14/2002, 8:58 PM
Re: Hey everyone.....  ·  Agata  ·  2/14/2002, 6:06 PM
Re: Hey everyone.....  ·  Sarahjeanne  ·  2/14/2002, 2:32 PM