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are there any other rAbertas out there?
I've been searching and searching for years now and yet I seem to still be the only person who spells their name Raberta instead of Roberta. My father's name is Robert, and being the first born, I was to be named after him. What should have been Roberta, was changed to Raberta. I don't think our ethnic backgrounds have anything to do with it, but just in case, they are: Guamanian (which is mostly spanish), Irish, German and Dutch. Thats about as much as I know. There may be a couple more european nationalities in there, but I can't be sure.Anyone out there know of any others that spell their name the same as I do?Thanks,
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I would have thought that there might be others who might have slightly altered the spelling of "Raberta" the way your parents had, but it does appear to be an extremely rare name in the United States at least.If there had been any Rapertas named in the entire U.S.A. in the years 2000 and 1999, there would have had to be 4 or less, according to the Social Security Administration.-- Nanaea
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On reading about the name Raberta, I thought about the Scots way of saying the name 'Robert', which I associate especially with the poet 'Rabbie Burns' i.e. Robert Burns
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