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Virtual flowers to my beloved Ladies of BtN :)))
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(What, no virtual Petunias?) Thanks Pavlos, I'll take a few of those roses....ah, heavenly! :)
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Youre welcome, oh mother of all etymologists!
You are too Colbert!
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Thanks! ;)
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Dont mind if I accept some, even though I have been MIA!!!?Only flowers i will be getting anyways.... LOL
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Ahhh Thanks Palvos!!!
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I'm a simple girl...I'm a simple girl, so hopefully a simple flower will do for all of my Valentine's here at BtN.....@}----}------
Thanks Pavlos, I think that's all I'm getting this Valentine's Day. That's okay, it just gives me an excuse to go shopping for myself. :PTB
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You are welcome, Madhur!
You deserve the best :)
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How charming! :) And some Valentine's Day sweets for you, too...Sweets for the sweet:
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You Zoraida Usha you!
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Rei! :)
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So many flowers! You must have spent a fortune! And here's a little something for you guys....
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Darn :(
Advanced search yields nothing for "talented" , "funny" and "babe" !
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My! I never thought I'd see a lady blushing on this board... who says romance is dead?b
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