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Zissel and Zane
1. Is the Yiddish name Zissel (my mother's name) both masculine and feminine?
2. I read somewhere that Zane can be a Yiddish or Hebrew name for a boy, used for Schmuel or Samuel. Does anyone know if this is true?
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i've met a girl called zane, but it is pronounced with the e sounding like chloe and the a as though there is no e there.
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lol I've already answered twice!!re-reposting:I think that Zissel could be for both sexes, but I've only seen him on girls. More common boy forms would be Suskind, Zusman, Sus...Check here:!1!!2!!3!~0~USRECORD1624!1!!2!!3!~0~USRECORD1560I think it is a legitimate Jewish name, although it would be good for a boy to have a Hebrew name too. Example: Shmuel Zissel.I had never heard of Zane as a Yiddish name, but I've just found that: hope it helps!Claire (Rahel Behira) :) :) :)
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