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how do you say my name
I have heard a lot of pronunciation of my name megan,
one is MEG-en(like that in Mega or the name Meg, one is MAY-gen (like the name May), and the other one is MEE-gen(like that in me)I pronounce it as MEG-en as I love one of the presenters in the Lonely Planet Programme, Megan McCormick
But many people always pronounce it as MAY-gen so do I pronounce it wrongly?
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Everyone where i live(Maryland,USA) pronounces it MEG-en. (including my cousin.)
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The name Megan is generally pronounced "MAY-gen". You can hear a recording of it at: on to the "Pronunciation" link.-- Nanaea
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In Britain it's pronounced MEGan. It was the third most popular girls name in 2001 in England and Wales.Rosemary.
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So much for, whose......pronunciation guide, I suspect, is perhaps not the most authoritative, anyhow.Funny, but we had a small debate about the pronunciation of another name over on another names discussion board, and one person used as the authority for the pronunciation of the name in question. In that instance, I was in disagreement with, Merriment, "may-gen" is how the name is generally pronounced here in the States. Doesn't mean we Yanks got it right, though. ;)-- Nanaea
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In Canada it's Me-GAN :)But, I was watching a TV show once and the girl said it MEEEEE-gan, it just sounded so ugh, I dunno... not nice.I really don't think that there is a PROPER prounounciation.How about a similar name, REGAN.She's a sister in Shakespeare's KING LEAR.... in my English class we prounounced it like REA-gan (Re like See)... but, on Jeopardy Alex said Regan like the President. :) So, I dunno....
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"In Canada it's Me-GAN :)"**** Well, I guess you Canadians are just as perverse as us Yanks. ;)"But, I was watching a TV show once and the girl said it MEEEEE-gan, it just sounded so ugh, I dunno... not nice."**** Meegan is an Irish surname related to Meehan, meaning "honorable", occasionally used as a given name (sometimes even spelled "Megan") and pronounced "mee-gan"."I really don't think that there is a PROPER prounounciation."**** With some names, you're right. There will be no "proper" pronunciation as long as regional dialects and regional accents remain in existence."She's a sister in Shakespeare's KING LEAR.... in my English class we prounounced it like REA-gan (Re like See)... but, on Jeopardy Alex said Regan like the President. :) So, I dunno...."**** "REE-gan" is the way I'd heard it pronounced, also, in recordings of Shakespeare's KING LEAR. But the little girl in THE EXORCIST, I believe, was called "RAY-gan".-- Nanaea
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You are correct, Nan, the little girl's name is pronounced RAY-gen. I will never forget that, as growing up, I was often told that I resembeled a young Linda Blair. That one always kinda made me mad. I also got the Alyssa Milano from Whose The Boss? alot as well. That one I take as a huge compliment, she's beautiful now, but I suspect they mean as a child. Oh well, a girl can dream, can't she? :)Sarahjeanne
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what does Sherine stand for?
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Resembled Linda Blair? Wow, you must have been a real head-turner :P
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You should see me now. :P LOL Just kidding.SJ
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You may have looked like her, but could you......spin your head completely around? Coz, see, that would be cooooool. :)-- Nanaea
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Tick me off enough and I can even make smoke come out of my ears. ;)SJ
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Pronounciation is a personal thing,but..essentially Rosemary is right. Megan is a Welsh form of Margaret, and spelt this way should really be pronounced meg-an, as it is in Wales. Where I live, and know a number of small Megans.But if you are in the US, and you have mistaken the name for an Irish name after absorbing too much Colleen McCullough, and you wish to spell it Meaeaghghghahann, and perhaps use a different pronounciation every time you use it, then this is your right, and more power to your elbow say I.
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Sorry, that was me. Too quick with the send clickb
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P.S.I agree with Agata that pronunciations of names can vary from place to place, and that pronouncing the name "MEG-an" isn't necessarily "wrong".-- Nanaea
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I've heard that too but I don't think that any of them is either right or wrong.... it also kinda depends as to where you're from and how people are used to prounouncing it there. There are also TONS of variant spellings of Megan that I've seen: Megan, Meagan, Meghan. Meaghan, Maegan, Maeghan, etc.
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