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Origin of first name 'Tambria'
I am looking for the origins of the first name TAMBRIA.
It's the first name of a 'Caucasian' female US citizen, who has definitely some Celtic ethnic background (Irish - Scottish).
The name is mainly used for females, but I have at least discovered one instance where it was used for a male Afro-american.
I thank you in advance for any result.
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My name is Tambria. I am a 48 year old female. I am german, scottish, and irish. The story that I was told of how my name came to be is: My father was an officer in the United States Navy in the 1950's. He loved the country of Australia. There are a series of islands that are part of Australia known as the Cambria, or the Cambrian Islands.
While my parents were dating, the series of movies "Tammy" staring Debbie Reynolds was popular. My mother's given name was Marion, but during my parents courtship, he would call her his Tammy. I was their first born, so my father combined Tammy and Cambria and derived Tambria.
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While I can only guess at the possible origin of the name Tambria, I can at least tell you that nowadays it's an extremely rare name in the U.S. According to the U.S. Social Security Administration, there were only 6 baby girls given the name of Tambria in the entire U.S. in the year 2000. In 1999 there were less than 5 -- if any at all -- given that name.-- Nanaea
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