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Pronunciation Help?
I posted this the other day, but only got French pronunciations. I was looking for English pronunciations and mostly need help with the emphasis'Illeana (Ileana) - Ill-ee-awn-a
Angeline - AN-ja-leen
Antonius - An-TON-ee-us

This message was edited 1/12/2005, 10:10 PM

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I would pronounce them (and I'm English ;) ): Ileana - il-ee-AH-na (I do believe the Romanian pronunciation is ee-leh-AH-na)
Angeline - an-ja-LEEN
Antonius - an-TOE-nee-usLouise x
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and I'm from Argentina.
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Illeana - as far as I know it's ill-ee-AH-na (some American accents gloss our "ah" and their "aw" as the same sound - if you think of how "dance" is said with an English accent, the 'a' is the "ah" sound I mean!)Angeline - I'd put the emphasis at the end, an-ja-LEEN, but AN-ja-leen works for me too.Antionius - an-TOH-nee-usAustralian-to-American sounds are hard!:-)
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