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Meaning/Origin of Cyrene
Hi all!I recently met a young woman who went by the name of Cyrene. I asked her if she knew of it's background but she said she wasn't sure and would like to find out. If anyone has any information as to the background and meaning of this name I'd really appreciate it!THANKS!
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In classical legend, Cyrene was a nymph and virgin huntress, with similarities to the goddess Artemis. The god Apollo became enamored of her, and by him she had two sons -- Aristaeus and Idimon. When Apollo carried her off, he brought her to Libya where he made her a queen. Today, the city of Cyrene in Libya derives its name from this legend.Cyrene's son Aristaeus is said to have grown up to become a patron deity of olive plantations and shepherds, and he is said to have instructed mankind in the art of bee-keeping.Cyrene's son Idimon is said to have been one of the soothsayers who accompanied the Argonauts.As for the meaning of the name "Cyrene" -- I'll leave that to our resident Greek etymologist, Pavlos. :)-- Nanaea
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Wonderful account of Kyrene! Btw, there was also another gal called Kyrene -- an unvirgin huntress in this case -- who was a famous Corinthian hetaera :)
As for the etymology I am a bit stumped, and can only make wild guesses. The name may be ether related to:
- Kyrebazo :To butt with the horns, like goats or rams do, or
- Kyrema: Windfall
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Thanks!Thank you Nanaea! :) This name should be added to the database after we get more particulars from Pavlos!Ava :)
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