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meaning of name
Does anyone know the meaning of the name Anaka? I found a site that said it was a surname. I started calling myself Anaka from the Phantom Mence. Just wanted to know if there was a meaning to the name.Thanks!Anaka
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Anaka (or Anagha in Sanskrit) means 'one who cannot be touched by sin' it is a beautiful name - we named our daughter Anaka. I didn't know it was in the movie.
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Don't know much about the Phantom Menace, but is the name female and pronounced with the accent on the first syllable? If so it may be another spelling of Anneka or Annika which this site lists as Scandinavian pet forms of Anne or Anna.
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anneka is swedish i think its pronounced A-ga-ta a soft a
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And, Anka is the Polish pet form of Anna.
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