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Help!Which sounds best?
I need help! I am obessed with the name "Odete" I speeled it differntly from "Odette" meaning weathly. I wnat to name her after one of my grandmothers and i don't know which one sounds better! Here are my choices: Odete Katherine
Katerine Odete
Odete Delaine
Delaine Odete
I would like her to be called Odete no matter what her first name is but I can't make up my mind!
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I like Delaine Odete if the e at the end is pronounced.Delanie Odete.
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What you need to do is to get a name with either 1 sylabble (sp?), 3 syllables, or 4 syllables. Katherine Odete sounds nice! Katherine is 3 syllables and Odete is 2. It balanes it out! now, i'm not sure how you pronounce it like DEE-LANE-EE or DEE-LANE? If it is DEE-LANE-EE then it sounds GREAT with Odete.
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i think that Odette Delaine sounds the best it has rythym and I love the names odette and delaine
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I like Katerine Odete!
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