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does anyone know the meaning of GWENELL??
hey my name is ashley and my mother named me gwenell but i dont know the meaning of it...i hope soon to have a daughter and name her that to but i would love to know the name of it so please e-mail me~!
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"...her name was McGill, she called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy...even as she single-handedly kept the e-mail industry afloat through the disaster.
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I think she is the walrus :P
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Tsk. Silly rabbit! Everyone knows the Walros is Pavlos...koo koo ka choo (kos)while my catarrh gently weeps
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Walros (sic)? LOL :)
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Yep, "sic". But ya know, I think the archaic word (Middle English?) word for "walrus" - rosmarin - would make a pleasant-sounding female name. And only 0.0001% of the morons one encounters would know it meant a flabby Arctic sea mammal. Ya could tell the rest of the rabble it meant "warrior princess" or some such tripe...Speaking of warrior princess(es), what has become of our bi-polar colleague "NAndraea"? Has she/they sought permanent sanctuary on Haggisbootie?: (
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Back in action again..."Speaking of warrior princess(es), what has become of our bi-polar colleague "NAndraea"? Has she/they sought permanent sanctuary on Haggisbootie?"Only just now noticed this, while catching up. Andrea's been busy, but I've been away due to illness. Andrea's and Pavlos' positive-energy e-mails may have had had some restorative powers, so you can blame them for my return. :)I'm touched by your inquiry, Daividh. When I'm suffering, I purposely absent myself from this board for the well-being of all concerned. Because a Satanist -- like a wolf -- can be dangerously unpredictable when in pain. ;)-- Nanaea
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Glad to see ya back, Nan! Hope you're back on top of your form and the illness doesn't have lingering effects. I was amused that you and Andrea seemed to absent yourselves at about the same time, tho, so I thought I'd perpetuate the Nan=Andrea myth for just a bit longer.Dave
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Ok, I don't get this... your name is Ashley and your mother named you Gwenell?!?!?Uh, anyways.Gwen means "white, fair, blessed" and with the ELL I think that she was adding on a French Sounding ending but without the E at the end like in MichELLE or DaniELLE... unless it is not pronounced ELLE... but EL.
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