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some names you don't have
I plan to have 5 kids and have the names picked out. Here they are and most of them you don't have. Arriona Innocence Heaven, Castlor Brenna Elizabeth, Devin Isaiah Micheal, Caspian Jeremiah Logan, and Eligah Faith Angel
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As a young girl I used to daydream of my future children because I always knew I wanted to be a mother and when I was REALLY bored I would think up cool and unusual names. Then I grew up and reality popped out:) I am sure Melissa will long change her mind when she has her first child. I think she wanted everyones opinion on the creative names she thought up while daydreaming. She definatly got plenty of opinions! But everyone is entitled to make their own rules about names when naming their child. Good Luck to you Melissa and to your future children (your kids will need it). And thanks for sharing your oddly imaginative names with us.
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them are really great! I really love the one with Eligah!
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I have no problem with two middle names (my brother's name is Michael Charles James). I think Devin Isaiah Micheal is kind of a nice name, although I prefer Michael with an "ae". You were very brave to submit your names to the scrutiny of the BTN crew!
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I hope you're kidding....
How about sticking with two names in the first palce?!
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Yeah, I think maybe some of those choices are a bit far-fetched (giving 3 names to each, independent of history, meaning, sound, or giving to the fact that people won't know how to pronounce it, or the converse to write from spoken word, nor will your two "caspian" and "castlor" go well in the same family and you can confuse a handful of people)... but so was silver's response.I can't claim to have chosen any names yet at 17, so maybe i should shut up and leave it out of my business.
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"interesting" indeedFirst i would like to point out that customarily the man who half created the children really should get a decision in naming the kids.
Secondly, the world is over populated enough, 2 kids fulfills you and your mates life.
Third, perhaps you might want to know what their last names will be, maybe it could make those names sound even worse.
Fourth, it is also customary to pick names that flow nicely or have meaning to them, instead of a jumble of random words and mispelt names.
Fifth, how can you control how many, and their sex?
Six, whats with the 2 middle names?
Seven, my thoughts to those "names"Arriona - is this pronounced different then Ariana, or did the originator have spelling problems?
Innocence - given names like this, children tend to go in the opposite dirrection. I don't even think a stripper would name herself this, he word doesnt flow, nevermind as a name. What can you call someone named Innocence for short? Innie?
Heaven - again children seem to rebel agains such names, and again what can you call them for short? Heavy? lmao, I do think this is a GREAT stripper name tho :)
Arriona Innocence Heaven - doesnt flow
Castlor - is name from the word Castrate? or Castor, like the name of the evil villian in Face Off, at least its not a boy..
Breena - from Breen? adding an 'a' doesnt make it any better or unique.
Elizibeth - usually a lovely name except when put after sumthing that sounds like it could clean my water, and before the removement of the male genitalia
Devin - who cant spell Devi or Kevin?
Isiah and Micheal - some good biblical choices here, maybe he can keep Innie Heavy on His gilded path
Caspian - i think i am going to name my child Dead, or Red, what do you think of Medditerrenian?
Jeremiah and Logan - nice normal names... put after a body of water...
Eligah - is this pronounced like the 'gah' is a toad chocking? you do realize this name is male right? so either ur giving a girl a boy name, or you are giving a boy a mispelt name with several cruel middle names

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Where did the name Devin originate from?I can not seem to find the history or origination of the name Devin, can you help me I keep getting shopping for a brand name of Devin.goofy
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Please see if you can help me find out where the name Devin orighinated from! Thanks to any one who can help.
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Lol, interesting names....
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You seem pretty confident in the boy-girl mix. Assuming you can pull that off by means other than adoption, three of the names are okay, but two I don't much care for."Arriona Innocence Heaven" sounds like an AKC registered name for a little fluffy white lapdog. It's sure gonna seem hideously inappropriate if the little dear gets into hairpullin' fights in the girls' room and/or is sexually precocious (it happens).And how does one pronounce "Eligah"? If it's the same as Elijah, then it's a boy's name, plain and simple, altho very confusingly spelt. But it could hardly be male with the two middle names you've chosen. In any case, "Faith Angel" has the same probs as the previous name. But I'm sure you'll have different ideas by the time any wee ones actually show up...- Da.
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