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what does my name mean?why is it never in any baby name books?
hi,my name is tandi...few people have ever heard of it and i can never find it in any name can i find out the meaning of it?or is it just too unusual to have a meaning?
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From 20th Century literature..."Tandy" is the name given to a little girl in a short story of the same name written by Sherwood Anderson and published in the anthology, *Winesburg, Ohio* in the year 1919.Tandy is named by an alcoholic -- yet inspiring -- stranger passing by her house one day, who believes he has invented this name to describe a particular quality in women. The stranger explains to Tandy's father what this is:"I know about her struggles and her defeats. It is because of her defeats that she is to me the lovely one. Out of her defeats has been born a new quality in woman. I have a name for it. I call it
Tandy. I made up the name when I was a true dreamer and before my body became vile. It is the quality of being strong to be loved. It is something men need from women and that they do not get."The stranger then turns to the little girl and says:"Be Tandy, little one... Dare to be strong and courageous. That is the road. Venture anything. Be brave enough to dare to be loved. Be something more than man or woman. Be Tandy."-- Nanaea
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I would like to know what my name mean, because my mother and my
father have been disagreeing about the spelling of my name for a
long time. my mom spells it tanika, and my dad spells it tonica.
please let me know what name means.
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I would like to know what my name mean, because my mother and my
father have been disagreeing about the spelling of my name for a
long time. my mom spells it tanika, and my dad spells it tonica.
please let me know what name means.
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thank you so much nanaea,the ironic part of that is my dad named me tandi,he was an alcoholic at the parents divorced when i was two and i've seen him a few times since but never asked where he came up with my,i can't find him to mom said that when i was two months old,she found out that he named me after an old girlfriend of his....true or not,guess i'll never know since i can't find him.but thank you so much.
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That's a sad story, Tandi. You should derive strength from the significance of your name, as described in Sherwood Anderson's poignant short story.Here's a link where you can read an on-line publication of "Tandy" (it's only two pages long): Nanaea
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thank you so much have given me the closest to a definition of my name that i think i'll ever get.i read the pages of the story,pretty neat.thanks again nanaea.
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Tandi Michelle,I was given the name Tandi by my great aunt. She was a missionary in Africa for many years. The name Tandi is the female word for love in one of the African languages. I have also seen it spelled Thandi and Tawndee. I hope this helps.
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wow... thanks Nan, that is certainly quite the referrence for a name
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what backround are you? have you ever asked ur parents?
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i would like to know what my name means and information about it. my name is madisson
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