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translation help me please
i was wondering if anyone could traslate Carina & Daryl into chinese or know of a website or a book which will help me i am wanting the chinese symbol
thanks for anybodys help it is much appreciated
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i need the name/website for translating english proper names into spanishThank you.
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Carina is pronounced 'Coy Fung Low' in chinese.Daryl is pronounced 'Yang Mi Chang' in chinese.
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Try this website: can vouch that these are correct translations into Chinese lettering, as I just checked my Lifemate's name (John) and it came out with the same symbols as a wall-hanging of Chinese calligraphy we'd had done some time ago by a Chinese gentleman in NYC.The name "Carina", unfortunately, isn't in the database, but the name "Daryl" is. These aren't literal translations -- but rather translations based on the *sound* of the name. They didn't have my nick of "Nan" in their database, either, but if they had, it would have been the Chinese symbol which means "South". :)You can e-mail the website owner at and ask him to add your name to his database.Also, if you go to and enter the search terms: "your name in Chinese", you'll be directed to other websites -- some of which may even offer to sell you hand-painted calligraphy for a fee.-- Nanaea
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My name is Kaynee and i'm doing an art project in which i use chinese lettering..i would appreciate it if you would e-mail me what my name would be in chinese...thanks ,
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i need this!chris
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what is the chinese symbol for "daughter"?
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I got my name done by a Chinese man in NYC too, back in '98! :)
I looked up AGATA but it wasn't in their database... so I looked up Agatha but it didn't look anything like the name that I have.
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Wow, spooky...That's the same year (1998) that we had *our* names done! The Chinese guy matted the calligraphy and framed it for us. If yours was done the same way by the same artist, then you must have "Nie's Arts" stamped on the back. Do you? (You're really gonna freak me out if you do.)-- Nanaea
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October '98! :D Naw, no "Nie's Arts" stamp. It is framed in blue and he stamped it on the front twice :)
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