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Can you suggest a name?
We are expecting a son. My name is Paul Joseph Aarts, my wife's name is Unchulee. We're looking for a christian name and middle name>something different but not strange. We don't really want a name that is typically from one country only but an international name. Please any suggestions. We quite like> Jason, Daniel, Ajel, Sebastian, Astro, Mikel, Jonathan, Juno
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Michaelangelo or Sebastian
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At one time, my suggestions meant something around here. LOL j/K But anyways, I am a huge fan of the name Sebastian, so what about Sebastian Michael Aarts?? Just my input. :)Sarahjeanne
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I am going to agree naming a son after a female deity is not a good route.
I name similar to Juno is Juni, which i happen to like.
I have no idea where the name comes from, except it appears as a character in Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind.
It is meant to be a masculine name, and sounds like a boys name to me.
Mikel does sound a lot like Nikel.
Jonathan, Daniel, and Jason are very common names, so if you are going for something unique, it might not be the path.
Astro does remind me of the Jetsen's dog, along with Cosmo Crammer for some reason.
I've never heard the name Ajel before, the closest thing is a weapon in the Terry Goodkind's booked called an Agiel.
Which is only used by women, and causes immense pain, possibly killing a person.
Why do want the name to be Christian? If your going to raise the child to be christian, does the religion of the name really matter, unless it is a name that condradicts something in the religion.
I like the name Gavriel though, it is Christian and a boys name. Its the original hebrew form of Gabriel, an archangel.
Zerachiel is a name of another archangel, and ive never seen this name used, and it doesnt come off wierd to me.Perhaps look up names that would mean something to you, like a deffination of what you would like the name to mean.
I know personal your son will ask why you choose that name, and 'just because' or 'some people on a forum liked it" might not go over well.
Best of luck to you.~Silver
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For obvious reasons I'd avoid Marshall and Boze. And Olaf would "flow" unpleasantly with Aarts...ask any 6th grader.Seriously, tho, I'd tend to shy away from names begoinning with the same letter as the last name; just my own preference. But I would think Jason, Daniel, Sebastian, or Jonathan would be fine. If you wanted to go the "Mikel" route, I'd personally lean toward the Swedish "Mikael" (mih-KELL).In honour of your wife, how about a Korean middle name? Many sound really good with Western names.- Da.
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Astro is the dog on The Jetsons.Juno is a female goddess.
Mikel makes me think of "nickel"
I like the rest.Andrea
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I like the name SEVASTIAN !-Agata
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I have always liked the name "Josiah". (See 2 Kings 22:1-3) He was a desendent of King David and did right in the eyes of the Lord. It means "YAHWEH".It is simular to you middle name, yet different enough to be his own.
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I think you would ger a lot more feedback on this at:
By the way, what is the origin/meaning of Unchulee? Its a very unusual name! Probably quite unsuitable for a boy, as its anagram is "El Eunuch".
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