Re: How do you get the name Ned of the the names Edmund + Edward?
in reply to a message by Laura
From the beginning, Ed. Ed gets turned into Ned, possibly by baby talk (younger sib couldn't pronounce Ed, so they said Ned, and it catches on), or possibly by regional dialect differences.Miranda
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Re: How do you get the name Ned of the the names Edmund + Edward?  ·  Miranda  ·  1/4/2005, 5:32 PM
I believe...  ·  Ivayla  ·  1/4/2005, 6:10 PM
Me, coherent?  ·  VeryMerryment  ·  1/6/2005, 3:11 AM
Re: I believe...  ·  Miranda  ·  1/4/2005, 7:03 PM
The link.  ·  Siri  ·  1/5/2005, 6:02 AM
Thanks! :-D nt  ·  Miranda  ·  1/5/2005, 12:59 PM
Gotcha! Thanks. :-) nt  ·  Miranda  ·  1/6/2005, 2:57 PM
Yay! Thanks a lot n/t  ·  Ivayla  ·  1/5/2005, 9:39 AM