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would you know the origin of the name Ninnoc? It's a girls name. I read it in a book, called Juniper. I forgot the writers name. It's about a girl in celtic times who's raised to be a whitch. She ends up at Avalon. Maybe it was made up by the writer. I don't know.
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Thank you, Daividh. How should one pronounce it?
And now I found: Ninnog, Ninog, Ninoc'h. And I thought of Ninochka or Ninotchka i.e. russian. Are these names related? Do they have the same origin and/or meaning? As you can see: one question + answer creates many more questions (and I hope answers).
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Hi Suze,It's a real name, but the author has taken some liberties with the nature of the original bearer.SAINT Ninnoc (the name means "nun") was born in Wales in the early 400's, and later migrated to Britanny, where she founded and was abbess of the monastery of Lannenec.She died in 467. Her feast day (usually date of death) is June 4.
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Hi, Daividh,
Could you please tell me where you got the information from, from what source. As I live in Holland I don't know of any books in which I could find information on Celtic, Welsh or English names.
Thanks, Suze
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Hi, Suze. Daividh is currently in the process of moving house, so if you don't hear from him right away, that's why. :)Have you tried accessing to do a book search or ordering on-line? don't know which book Daividh used as his reference and, unfortunately, all the Welsh name books listed on Amazon's site are now out of print. Daividh may have been using a book on saints to find "Ninnoc" for you, as that name doesn't happen to appear in my own book of Welsh names: *Enwau Cymraeg i Blant: Welsh Names for Children*.Keep checking the board here periodically. I'm sure Daividh will direct you to the right reference source when he gets back, and possibly one that you may be able to order over the 'net. :)-- Nanaea
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Hi, Nanaea, Thank you for your response! Miraculously I got something in my email from Amazon. I certainly will check the board periodically. This is too much fun! Suze
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NOTE: Before I hear about it from the Peanut Gallery, let me hasten to add that "Britanny" is not to be confused with "Brittany", a Celtic region of northwestern France with natural breasts and a concealed belly-button. :p
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(Nanaea nudges Priapos) Huh huh... He said "belly button"... Huh huh heh huhhuhuh..
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Heh heh heh eh he heh heh heh!"
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Beavos and Butthell?
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Hahahaha! I wonder if they get MTV in Greece?-- Nanaea
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