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Need Help with a Name

I am wanting a different or unusual name for my baby. I would like to find a 1st name that will go with "Leona" for a middle name.
(lee-on-a) This middle name will be after my father, so it is important to me.I like these names -Cianna (See-an-a) **** (I like this one best)
Kerrigan **
Raven ***
Jaelyn **
Laken **
Aubrey ***Do any of these names sound good with Leona?Does anyone have any other suggestions?
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i'm partial to the name raven. i had heard it only once prior to the birth of my daughter, ravyn grace. since last june i've heard it two more times.
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"Raven" seems logical."Raven" seems logical so she will not have to spell it out for anyone.
I like "Mariko" for a similar reason. But "Raven" is better.
"Wendy" seems excellent too.
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Im going to agree Cianna Leona sounds like the country Sierra Leone, and Kerrigan Leona doesn't seem to flow, Jaelyn works nicely,Im going to agree Cianna Leona sounds like the country Sierra Leone, and Kerrigan Leona doesn't seem to flow, Jaelyn works nicely, but is awfully similar to Jaeden/Jaden and all names similar in that area, which have become overly popular. I like the name Raven, except that the girl I knew who changed her name to Raven at 19, was called Ravey for short, and that sounds a lot like Rabies... which can't be good. I also like the name Rave. Aubrey Leona doesn't seem to flow all to well, and Laken Leona, to many l's...
I think Foehre Leona sounds nice. What do you think? or Fien, mind you as far as unisex names go that one comes off masculine to me.
Gaerl Leona, I like this one too.
Or if you really like the name Cianna, you could always play with it, to get something that sounds less like 'Sierra', my tired mind came up with Cianda.
Cianda Leona, flows smoooothly :)
I hope you find something you like, best of luck :)
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I like Aubrey the best out of all of those!!-Agata
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Ooh! I've been loving this name lately, and now I love it even more, 'cause I just checked out the meaning!Andrea
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I actually thought of this... wouldn't Emilie Leona or Emilia Leona sound really nice too??!-Agata
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No! LOL!...Em-il-lee-lee-o-nuh?:)
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What are your first & middle names, and what are the first & middle names of the baby's father?Is your father's first name "Leon"?Are you only looking for girls' names?-- Nanaea
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My father's name was Billy Leon. I do not want to call her Billy because it would be too hard for me. (he is deceased)It is going to be a girl.
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Okay, but what are the first and middle names of you and the baby's father?-- Nanaea
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What does that have to do with naming her? I don't want to name her after myself or my husband.
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I need the names in order to try anagramming you a name to go with Leona.-- Nanaea
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I like Aubrey the best. If you're gonna use Cianna (See-an-a), I'd spell it will an S so that she doesn't have to go through life with this dialogue: "Kee-ah-nuh?" "No, SEE-ah-nuh.":)
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Do you think that Cianna Leona sounds ok together? - If I decide to use that 1st name?I like Aubrey also.
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No way. "Cianna Leona" sounds too much like Sierra Leone -- great if you don't mind your kid being the butt of geography jokes.
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Oh....I didn't know Sierra Leone was a country-- maybe it was in the back of her head when she thought up the combo.:)
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Regardless. Honestly. Don't some of these people notice how things flow or don't flow. Is it just me that notices it?
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I do not care as much about the first name. The reason I want to use Leona is after my dad who is deceased. I was only asking for advice on what would sound nice. I had no idea about the country.
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Leona is a nice name. i still think you should go with Raven Leona,
or perhaps Rhiannon Leona
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Oh yeah....Ciana does practically rhyme.
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