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The meaning of Tinaya or Tenaya
Hoping to find the meaning of a name of this sound. We would like to name our baby this. We heard it on the bionic woman relating to a female mountain Puma. Who's name was Tinaya or Tenaya (spelling unsure)in Indian legend. Possible meaning golden Demon.
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Wasn’t it said in that episode meaning “golden demon”? Many years ago, I named my Siamese cat that because I watched that episode...but we spelled it “Tanaya” because I was unsure of correct spelling.
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There's a restaurant near my house bearing the name Tenaya. That is all.
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I hope the baby is a boy...Because Tenaya was the name of a legendary chief of the Miwok tribe in the Yosemite Valley:'t find the meaning of the name, tho'. And, on second thought... To English-speaking people the name "Tenaya" might appear more feminine than masculine.-- Nanaea
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