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Origin of the name Alysa
My dd's name is Alysa. This name is listed on many sites as being of Greek origin meaning princess. Is there anywhere I can find out more information regarding this name and confirm its origin??
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I'm curious as to what sites gave you that information. Many "baby name" sites are notorious for their inaccuracies in name origins and meanings. This site is dedicated to etymology and not to baby names. If you followed the hyperlink in your own post you'd have found that Alysa --> Alicia --> Alice --> Adelaide.
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It doesn't mean "princess". Click here: Alyssa. Alysa's just a variant of Alyssa, you see.The name of the alyssum flower is Latin from Greek. Essentially it means "without rabies", from a- "not, without" and -lussa "rabies". The name may be thus be interpreted as "not insane" or "without madness", since rabies causes insanity before it causes death. The flower was given the name because it was reputed to cure rabies in ancient times (this is false, of course).Miranda
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