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I would like to find the *meaning* of the name Kalman. I know it is a surname, probably Hungarian, maybe slavic, or perhaps Austrian. Thanks.
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"Kalman" is an Ashkenazic Jewish surname. *A Dictionary of Surnames* (Hanks & Hodges) says the following:****************
From the Yiddish male given name "Kalmen", the everyday form of the Yiddish male given name "Kloynemes" (from Hebrew "Kalonimos", which is from Greek "kalos" fair, lovely, or "kallos" beauty, loveliness. The Hebrew given name is first recorded in the Talmud and has been used continuously since then. Among Hungarian Jews, Yiddish "Kalmen" became confused in some cases with the Hungarian male given name "Kalman".
***************Another source, *New Dictionary of American Family Names* (Elsdon C. Smith) says the following:***************
Kalman (Hungarian, Hebrew) Descendant of Kalman, Hungarian form of Coleman (dove) or of Kalman (merciful - a form of Clement).
***************-- Nanaea
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Typo corrections"...from Hebrew "Kalonimos", which is from Greek "kalos" fair..."Actually, Kalonimos -- or better yet "kalonymos" -- is a a Greek expression from "kalo-" (meaning, as you pointed out, "fair, lovely etc") and the word "onoma" meaning name (as in the word "homonymous").Under such circumstances, "Kalman" may in fact mean "Beautiful name" :)
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"...from Hebrew "Kalonimos", which is from Greek "kalos" fair..."Actually, Kalonimos -- or better yet "kalonymos" -- is a a Greek expression from "kalo-" (meaning, as you pointed out, "fair, lovely etc" ans "onoma" meaning name (as in the word "homonymous").Under such circumstances, "Kalman" may in fact mean "Beautiful name" :)
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