Can the name Charon be added?
It is the name of the moon of
Pluto, and I absolutly love it.
My memory fails me as to weither it was greek or roman, maybe both, but he carried the dead across the river of Styx for a fair, to the underworld.
I know in the native tongue its pronounced (Kare-awn), but it is also pronounced (Share-awn) almost like
It also happens to be the name of my first grandchild in my third book.
The son of my son, my second child,
Gavin, and his Tenchi affair
So naturally I thought the name Charon worked.
Which way do you think it should be pronounced in my book, I think (Share-awn) being so close to
Sharron, is rather feminin.
I think I like Kare-awn better.
Whats everyone think?
And can it be added?
TY for ur time.
Silver of Ryuchia,
Adria Dracis, mother of Power,
Leandra Dracis, Chrono,
Gavin Dracis, and Night,
Ariana Dracis