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Meaning of my Name
What does Siuko or Shoko mean? its a japanese name actually and i really want to know the meaning. thank you.
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Siuko: ko is Japanese for 'daughter'Your name in Japanese is written as Shiuko and Shoko would be Shouko, but these are not related as it seems. Shiuchi means 'behaviour' as a whole, but i couldn't find Japanese words matching shiu exactly. I only found shiun (also a name) which means 'purple clouds' (clouds on which Amida Buddha rides to welcome the spirits of the dead) and shiunten which means 'trial run, test run'.Iwasaki: iwa : (n) rock; crag; (P)
saki : (n) small peninsula; (P)Thus, a 'small peninsula with a rock' or 'stoney small peninsula'.
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