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Do you know what the name Mikko means and where it is from ?
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I think it's a Finnish (and maybe Swedish) pet form of Mikael.Andy ;—)
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Hallo Andy!Finnish is right. There's no "kk" combination in Swedish, "ck" is used instead. A Swedish example of a pet form of Mikael would be Micke./Satu
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Hi, Satu!As you now can easily follow up, this is taken from Dr. Seibicke - and I'm afraid, his Swedish is not very good (he once told me so). And mine is nonexistent, haha! So thanks for clearing this up!Frohe Weihnachten!Andy ;—)
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Dir auch frohe Weihnachten!
Ja, so ein paar kleine skandinavische Stolperer sind mir bei Seibecke aufgefallen, nichtsdestotrotz immer wieder spannend zu lesen!/Satu
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