Mahwish or Mahwush
my name is also spelled Mehwish...but my relatives call me by my nickname Maha (maha sounds like shortform of Mahwish), i think the right spelling is Mahwish, according to the Persian pronounciation and means moon-like face. i couldn't say my whole name mehwish whn i was little, so i always told every1 i was thtz how my nickname began. It's sorta difficult for da western ppl to prounounce my name right, so some of my friends call me maya. Personally, I like my name mehwish, eventhough i pronounce my name wrong "may-wish" (sadly..western influence) instead of "maha-wish".
anyways, i love my name...there r so many meanings to it (from my point of view). it can mean "great wish" (lol...coz 'maha' means great n thn da english wish), and honestly, i have had so many incidents where my wishes come i sound silly...? so whn i was lil, ppl would say, hey tht sounds like 'may I wish' or 'i wish for mehwish' blah blah...itz a cool name! im proud of it.
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Mahwish or Mahwush  ·  Mehwish S.  ·  12/10/2004, 6:32 PM
Re: Mahwish or Mahwush  ·  Mahwish R.  ·  1/20/2020, 11:47 PM
Re: Mahwish or Mahwush  ·  thegriffon  ·  1/26/2020, 11:13 PM
Re: Mahwish or Mahwush  ·  Mahwish  ·  12/14/2019, 7:09 AM